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Finance Center

Welcome to Our Financing Department

Welcome to Hare Motors Ltd.'s Finance Department, your auto loan and car lease resource. We're eager to provide financing for your new car, or we can assist in used car financing. All types of credit, from good to bad, can qualify for an auto loan. No credit, no problem! We will work with you to secure a no credit car loan if your situation demands it. Hare Motors Ltd. has strong relationships and is committed to finding you the perfect car loan company to suit your car finance needs.

We work with you and decide the car payments as per your convenience and reasonable terms and conditions. As we offer open loans, you can pay more, the full loan or trade-in your car for something different and save interest.

While you are paying Hare Motors every month, unlike others we do build your credit with the Credit BureauOnce your credit history gets established a world of options with competitive interest rates, amounts and timeframes will be available to you.

Low interest car loans are also available for customers with existing loans. We can help you refinance your car loan or adjust the term of the contract. You're just a step away from approved car financing!

If you are excited to talk in more details, try us out and call: 604-580-7755
We seek opportunity to serve you.

Finance Form

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